A publication to engage the dance community. Learn. Discuss. Contribute. Enjoy.

Life Through Dance

Body Gratitude

By Elizabeth Dickinson

As I've aged, I've become more grateful for what my body can do versus what it can't.

When I studied dance as a child and into my twenties, I compared myself to whomever seemed to be best in the class, and I always came up short. There seemed to be someone who was more flexible, executed better turns, or was able to perform whatever I was trying to master better than I was doing it.

While I can't say that I've grown out of that completely (because competitive dancing is a comparative sport), I do feel grateful for how well my body tries to do everything I ask it to do. And when I compare myself to sedentary friends, the difference is quite stark.

During this month of Thanksgiving, I encourage each of you to remember what your body does for you, often without you having to operate it consciously. Someone wise once said that gratitude lets us celebrate today rather than waiting for the next level of accomplishment.

Gratitude is not an expression of arrogance. Online I discovered that the Hebrew word for gratitude, hoda'ah, also means confession. Expressing gratitude confesses dependence and acknowledges that something else benefits you, an admission that your life is better because of it.

As dancers and human beings, our bodies enable us every day to express ourselves and to be in this world. They deserve our gratitude.

May we pursue our paths with gratitude for the temples of our souls.
